This way to the Photo Galleries
Other things currently on the web site...
- "The Journal of Geek Studies" Home Page
- Pictures and a newspaper article about a honeybee swarm we captured
- Blinky Movies and Pictures for 2dKits
- MuseCon Publications
- More of Lon's Publications-type work (Windycon 40, leather sewing instructions, etc.)
- more to come when we get around to it...
Links of intrest, to us at least
- The main page for Otter Necessities
- The blog page for Otter Necessities
- Otter's personal blog
- Dracos' personal blog (almost never updated)
- A place that has realy cool pens
- My favorite photography podcast website This Week in Photography (TWIP)
Whats on at theaters near us
- Barrington 30 Theaters
- Deer Park Century 16 Theaters